Sunday, May 30, 2004


Round 2
Sunday 30th May, The Dome – Morecambe
Rob Van Dam Vs Xavier ( * * * ½ ) – This was almost a cracker, but in the end had to settle for merely being very good when it almost abruptly came to a halt, just as it looked ready to explode.  The two were having their usual great match when, from nowhere, Xav took out some Brass Knux, clonked RVD, and got the pinfall victory.  Great match, pity it didn’t go on that little bit longer.
John Cena Vs Charles Haas ( * * ¾ ) – Cena continued his winning streak in this tidy little match with Haas (who is looking more comfortable out there every day).  The crowd were really into this one too, and they were pleased as punch when Cena hit the F-U to get the pinfall victory. 
Kevin Nash Vs Matt Morgan ( ¾ * ) – This was bad, no doubt, but at least it was kept short.  Morgan is still a little green, and it was proved here with Nash in no fit state to carry his share of the load never mind his opponents.  It also seems as Nash’s push is already over as he fell by pinfall to Morgan in fairly rapid order. 
Edge Vs Chris Kanyon ( * * * * ) – The action got back into the swing of things with this high-octane match.  The two went at it with a fury and really held nothing back.  This was see-saw action and it really did look like Edge could wrap up a surprise win but in the end Kanyon prevailed, finishing Edge off with a top-rope DDT.  Impressive encounter. 
Chris Jericho Vs Jay Reso ( * * * ) – With Jericho now officially a baby-face he got a great reaction from the crowd here, and Reso played his heelish part to great effect too which made for a great atmosphere throughout this match.  And it seemed to spur Jericho on as he wrapped the match up following a Lion-Sault.  Good stuff. 
Kurt Angle Vs Phil Jackson ( * * * ½ ) – Jackson is nowhere near the level of Kurt Angle but if this cracker is anything to go by then he is on his way to turning his potential into actual achievement.  Angle dominated the majority of the match, but Jackson held his own and did manage to get the crowd behind him for his efforts.  But in the end, Angle’s superior experience and class shone through as he made Jackson tap to the Ankle Lock. 
Eddy Guerrero Vs Rhino ( * * * ) – This was a decent enough match but was another that wasn’t really allotted the time it deserved to bloom into a cracker.  Still what the two was good and it did keep the crowd awake.  In the end, Eddy sidestepped the Gore and hit back with his Frog Splash for the ever-so-popular pinfall victory. 
Jeff Jarrett Vs Randy Orton ( * * ¾ ) – Jarrett is certainly getting good treatment in the IWF and it continued here as he defeated our resident European Champion, clean.  This was decent enough, without ever being excellent, and Jarrett pinned Orton following a DDT, although Orton had previously fought his way out of a Figure Four attempt.