Thursday, July 22, 2004


Hey there.  I'm using this blog site to post the results from my fantasy promotion The International Wrestling Federation. 

It's run  completely in my head, with some brainstorming sessions with my mates. 

In case you are wondering, some of the wrestlers are made up (or are based on my friends).  Here is a short list of names you might not recognise and where they come from.

Dean Roberts - This is my alter-ego.  I'm out injured at the moment having been shot in a backstage angle.  (Hopefully in the future i will get around to posting some "classic" results which will explain back stories - the IWF has been going since 1995!).

Matthew Mercy, Xavier, The Big Gee, Phil Jackson, Paul Wardle, Dash Riprock, Simon Starshot - all the alter-ego's of friends of mine. 

(i know there is a Xavier in real wrestling terms, but my mate had the name first!)

Ashten Drake - in real life this is Doug Basham
Yzeabek - in real life this is The Godfather
Mathuras - in real life this is A-Train
Lisa Marie Veron - in real life this is Victoria
Annalise ROberts - in real life this is MOlly Holly.  In storylines she is the daughter of Arn Anderson and is married to Dean Roberts (again i hope to post "classics" at some point which may help to explain storylines)

Should anymore come to light i will edit this and post them here

The IWF has two weekly TV shows, Warfare and Impact (and i came up with that name four years before TNA stole it!), a monthly terrestrial TV special called Slammin, and monthly pay-per-views.  Schedule is as follows...

JANUARY - Corporal Punishment
FEBRUARY - Shoot Out
MARCH - (overseas PPV)
APRIL - MuscleMania
MAY - Into The Darkness
JUNE - Heat Wave
JULY - Xtreme Overload
AUGUST - Super Series
SEPTEMBER - Man Of Steel
OCTOBER - Neon Blue
NOVEMBER - Nightmare
DECEMBER - Breaking Point

I used to do full TV reports too, but at the moment i don't have the time.  All that will be on this site will be the ppv reports and the Slammin specials. 

As i get the time i will add older results.  I also hope to add full title histories, although it may be some time before i get to do that.