Wrestlingodds.com has just posted the running odds for the winner of the 2004 Super Series Invitational Tournament...
5-2 FAV; Xavier
3-1; Kurt Angle
5-1; Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels
6-1; Matt Morgan
8-1; Rhino, Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam
10-1; The Big Gee
12-1; Edge, Jeff Jarrett
15-1; Eddy Guerrero, John Cena
18-1; Matt Hardy
20-1; Jay Reso
25-1; Sean O'Haire
28-1; Raven
30-1; Mark Jindrak, Phil Jackson, Chuck Palumbo
33-1; CM Punk
35-1; Paul Wardle, Hugh Morrus
40-1; Acid, Ashten Drake
45-1; Lance Storm, Charles Haas
50-1; Steve Corino, Dash Riprock
60-1; Colt Cabana
80-1; Mathuras
100-1; Yzaebek
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