Monday, March 28, 2005


Raven Vs Rhino ( * * ¼)
Well if this doesn’t prove how little IWF Management regards these two performers then nothing will. After the pro-longed break-up of their team, you would have expected a long and winding feud, possibly culminating in a high-profile MuscleMania match. Well how wrong you would have been. Opening match of a PPV, and ONE high profile match later, the feud is over. Mind you, at least Rhino should be glad he won…who knows where Raven goes from here.
Jeff Jarrett Vs Chris Jericho (* * *)
Well, well, well. Another perfectly decent, but utterly pointless match involving Jeff Jarrett. Jericho carried him to an entertaining, albeit slightly brief, match, but Jarrett once again got zero reaction from an IWF crowd. As you might expect, Jericho got the win, via submission when Jarrett tapped out to the Walls Of Jericho.
Sean O Haire & Batista Vs Yzaebek & Mathuras (Sq)
A total squash match, but WHAT a squash match. O’Haire and Batista may well be limited in the ring, but this made them look awesome! Seriously, Zoltar’s men didn’t stand a chance here, and Batista’s match winning power-bomb on Mathuras looked positively evil.
Rick Shaw Vs Paul London (* * * ¾)
Another superb battle over the Cruiserweight title. Shaw is really stepping up to the plate now the pressure is on and London was his usual smooth, and under appreciated, self. Shaw took another impressive win following the Shaw-Stopper.
The Big Gee Vs The Undertaker (* * ½)
Well at least their star power meant that Gee and Taker could follow that last match. This was your basic big man match but was infused with great energy from both men, who seemingly thought like they had something to prove. Or maybe they wanted to ensure that there would be enough interest in the re-match as this one ended in a DDQ, which certainly suggests one match for MuscleMania.
Edge Vs John Cena (* *)
Quite how John Cena deserved a European title shot here is unclear, and it seemed like the fans agreed on that score. But then again, the fans hate Edge too, so there was a strange atmosphere around this one, which only picked up when Matt Hardy (who recently lost the Euro title to Edge on Warfare) made his inevitable appearance and kicked the crap out of both men. However Edge had the presence of mind to crawl across to Cena and make the pinfall cover…which probably inked an Edge/Hardy feud ender in for MuscleMania.
Triple H, Dean Roberts & Xavier Vs Kurt Angle, Kane & Randy Orton (* * * ½)A great ending to a decent show. All six men here put forward good efforts, with Orton seemingly on a mission to prove that he deserved his main even spot. With these six men splitting into three singles matches at MuscleMania this was always likely to be high on emotion and it was a cracking effort which really heightened the expectation for MuscleMania. In the end it was Triple H who got a pinfall on Kurt Angle (once again after a sledgehammer shot) and as the PPV went off the air, we were reminded that it’s only a month to MuscleMania!