Sunday, September 11, 2005

Man Of Steel Report

Rob Van Dam & Paul Wardle Vs Chris Jericho & Randy Orton ( * * ¾ )
Ok, so last year it was the “Super Series” invitational, but don’t quibble over semantics. This was just what you would want from an opener; energetic, fast paced and smooth flowing. It’s a testament to Wardle that he didn’t look out of place in the experienced company he was sharing the ring with. Still, he couldn’t fashion a win for his team as in the end Randy Orton finished RVD off with the RKO for him and Jericho to advance.

Lance Storm & Johnny Nitro Vs Sean O Haire & Jay Reso ( * ¾ )
This was decent stuff, highlighted by mutual distrust between partners, which was eventually overcome, for the winners anyway, when O’Haire finished Lance Storm off with a Seanton Bomb.

JBL & Edge Vs Chris Kanyon & Charles Haas ( * * )
Edge looked positively ecstatic at having JBL as his partner, but he was less pleased to see one of his opponents was to be Kanyon. And his dread was fully warranted, as in the end it was Kanyon who finished Edge off with the Kanyon-Kutter to make his team advance.

Batista & Paul Birchill Vs Carlito & Matt Morgan ( * ½ )
Well Carlito wasn’t happy at all with being lumped with these three giants, but he was happy in the end as he turned out to be teamed with the best of the three giants. Carlito did very little at all but watch his partner Morgan destroy Batista and, the debuting Birchill, eventually finishing off Batista with the Morgasm.

Matt Hardy & CM Punk Vs Kane & Phil Jackson ( * * * )
This was a cracking little encounter, which saw all four men put their best foot forward and the crowd were royally entertained. In the end, Punk finished off Jackson with the Pepsi Plunge for his team to advance.

Abyss & Xavier Vs The Big Gee & Shelton Benjamin ( * ¾ )
This was a decent, albeit brief, encounter, which was only really memorable for The Big Gee leaving his partner to the wolves, so to speak, and walking off, which left Shelton easy prey for Abyss’ Black Hole Slam.

Monty Brown & Ray Gordy Vs Joey Mercury & Dean Roberts ( * * ¼ )
Quite what Dean was doing in this company is anyone’s guess, but this was actually a competent match. Mercury seemed over-awed at teaming with the Icon, Gordy looked his usual sturdy, but uncharismatic self, and Brown, in his IWF debut, looked sharp and like a potential star. In the end though, Dean won out, as you would expect him to do, and he finished off Gordy with a Scholarship. Incensed, Brown hit Gordy with what we assume will become his finishing move The Pounce.

Simon Starshot & Triple H Vs Colt Cabana & Shawn Michaels ( * ¾ )
The final Qualifying match started with Dean Roberts, returning to the dressing room after his match, kicking the crap out of Shawn Michaels, leaving Colt Cabana on his own. Which obviously did no favours for Colt at all, and he was quickly finished off with a Pedigree.

Rick Shaw Vs Bryan Danielson Vs James Gibson Vs Brian Kendrick ( * * ¾ )
This could have been a classic if it hadn’t been so rushed (and if it hadn’t been fought under first pinfall wins). And as you might have feared, the fact that Shaw could lose the Cruiserweight title without being pinned became of the utmost importance as Gibson finished Danielson off to take the pinfall and to lift the Cruiserweight title.

Man Of Steel Battle Bowl Final ( * * * )
PARTICIPANTS: Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Sean O Haire, Jay Reso, Chris Kanyon, Charles Haas, Carlito, Matt Morgan, Matt Hardy, CM Punk, Abyss, Xavier, Joey Mercury, Dean Roberts, Simon Starshot, Triple H
I) Dean Roberts (attacked by Shawn Michaels, who ran out at the onset of the match and tossed Dean over the top-rope).
II) Simon Starshot (Jay Reso),
III) Sean O Haire (Abyss),
IV) Charles Haas (Matt Hardy),
V) Joey Mercury (Xavier),
VI) Chris Jericho (Triple H),
VII) CM Punk (Triple H),
VIII) Jay Reso (Matt Morgan),
IX) Xavier (Matt Morgan),
X) Abyss (Chris Kanyon),
XI) Chris Kanyon (Triple H & Abyss – Abyss reached back in the ring to grab Kanyon enabling HHH to throw him out),
XII) Carlito (Matt Morgan),
XIII) Matt Hardy (Randy Orton)
XIV) Randy Orton (Triple H),
XV) Triple H (Matt Morgan).WINNER = MATT MORGAN.
Morgan celebrated as Triple H looked on stunned. Rumour before hand was that the winner of the match would get the Unified Title shot at Neon Blue…if so, who would it be against?

Kurt Angle Vs The Undertaker ( * * * ¼ )
A decent main event to end a decent card. There has been some good build up to this one, and the fans were looking forward to it. They were positively willing Angle to win, and although at times it looked as if he was on the verge of losing the Unified Triple Crown, he rallied and in the end finished off the Undertaker with the Angle slam. As Angle celebrated however, Matt Morgan ran out and absolutely kicked the crap out of Angle, bloodying him in the process. Which means two things…Morgan is now officially heel…and it’s going to be Morgan/Angle at Neon Blue!!!