After Matthew Mercy's historic title win over Triple H at Man Of Steel comes the time for payback as HHH battles to win the title he once called his own. IWF Commissioner Dean Roberts though threw in a curve ball when he named CM Punk as the Special Guest Referee for the match, a turn of circumstances even more intriguing as Punk has said he will be cashing in his Gold Rush title chance ticket at November's Prime Time in his home city of Chicago. Given that in recent weeks, Mercy and HHH have cost him his European and United Kingdom Titles will CM Punk be able to call it down the middle? Will Mercy make it two in a row against HHH? Or will HHH climb back to the top of the mountain? Whatever happens, this is not one you want to miss.
Who would have thought that the chain of events spiraling from Xavier's kidnapping would have come to this? As a result of the DNA tests that the police carried out on IWF Superstars in respect of that investigation, a shocking truth that had laid hidden for almost four years came to the fore. No-one had even been identified as the person who tried to shoot Dean Roberts in New York in March 2003, but it soon became apparent that the assailant was the relative of IWF Superstar John fact it was his sister Michelle. She claimed that Dean Roberts had raped her in late 2002, Dean insists they had consensual sex. Whilst Michelle's obvious mental problems lean most observers towards the latter explanation, John is determined to avenge the honour of his sister. All hell could break loose at Neon Blue.
As soon as it became clear during the police investigation outlined above that it wasn't an "IWF Superstar" that had kidnapped Xavier earlier this year, suspicions were aroused everywhere. No-one, however expected the mastermind behind the evil plot to turn out to be Trish Stratus' husband Dick. Furious about his wife using her position as Xavier's masseuse as a cover for an affair with the IWF superstar, Dick hired Murdoch & Cade to carry out his fiendish plan. Eager to heap more humiliation on Xavier & Trish, Dick challenged Xav to this match, a challenge which was eagerly anticipated. Trish will be at ringside to see the carnage unfold. Vs
These two competitors may have shared common enemies in Finaly & Jazz Hands Gee but their mutual distrust and hatred for each other didn't take too long to reveal itself. Orton turned on Reso at Man Of Steel, hitting him with an RKO that cost Reso a pinfall loss. The war between the two has only escalated since then and the fans have put themselves firmly in Reso's camp. Two men with a pure hatred for each other meet in what is sure to be a memorable match.
If Elijah Burke and Chris Jericho thought the challengers so far during their Tag Team Title reigns had been tough, they may be squaring up against their toughest challenge yet at Neon Blue in the form of former three time World Tag Team Champions America's Most Wanted. Burke has been riding the crest of a wave since his Man Of Steel tournament victory, but can he translate his solo achievements into more tag team glory? AMW say not, arguing that their superior experience as a team will give them the advantage in this high profile match-up Vs
Finlay and Jazz Hands Gee were brought together by the friendship of their little buddies Hornswoggle and Lil' Louis but the competitive juices couldn't stay hidden for long. A series of disagreements have led to the challenges being laid out and with the likelihood that both Hornswoggle and Louis will be at ringside this is sure to be one hellacious match. Vs
The Anderson family, led by the evil and maniacal Charles Anderson, "abducted" Matt Morgan at Man Of Steel and idoctrinated him into their unique stable. Morgan is now their hired muscle, but seems strangely ambivalent to his new posision. The Anderson Family attempted, through Shelley Martinez, to get Abyss on to their side as well, but Abyss relented their charms. As Charles Anderson stated "if you don't join us, we destroy you" and this is the task that Morgan is entrusted with at Neon Blue.
Even Harry Smith would admit that a European Title shot so early in his career is an unexpected occurrence, but new champion Paul Wardle, who defeated CM Punk recently after Punk's involvement with Matthew Mercy & HHH cost the former European Champion dear, felt slighted by Smith after a recent altercation and insisted on getting the opportunity to "teach Smith a lesson." Wardle has warned him that his dad's acheivements count for nothing towards Harry's own career, whilst for his part, Smith says that his dad never backed down from a fight...and he's not about to start doing that now. A fascinating tussle is in prospect.
Mistico had the good fortune to be in the right place at the right time on a recent episode of Warfare as Matthew Mercy and Triple H's connections to CM Punk led to Mistico dethroning Punk as UK Champion. John Hennigan meanwhile has jettisoned his MNM past, saying that his time away from the ring due to injury gave him plenty of time to think...time enough to realise that Joey Mercury and Melina were holding him back. He gets a quick opportunity to prove himself right as he becomes the first challenger for Mistico's UK title.