Friday, February 27, 2004


Prior to the credits we saw footage from earlier in the day, and we were outside the dressing room of X-Rated. We could hear some laughter from behind the closed door, and then we saw Kurt Angle leaving, with a huge grin on his face…As we went into the arena, the music hit up and Rhino & Randy Orton made their way to the ring. Both said they were sick of the “old men” of the game getting all the limelight and it was time to let the new blood shine. It soon became apparent that they were referring to Shawn Michaels and Diamond Dallas Page. Naturally this brought out the two old timers, and before you knew it, a tag team main event for tonight’s show had been made…Tajiri pinned Gregory Helms in what was a good match…We were transported to the backstage area at this point, specifically the parking lot at the rear of the building. Some massive big hearse pulled up, with all kinds of symbols painted all over it, and it soon became apparent that this was a big arrival for Zoltar and his merry crew. And indeed they got out of the car and they were dragging the limp carcass of Trent Acid behind them. The hooded figure of Zoltar cackled and said that tonight the moon and the planets were in perfect alignment for a sacrifice…Chris Jericho defeated “The Fallen Angel” Chris Daniels by The Lion-Tamer submission in a great little match. After the bout, Jericho took the microphone and said that he had a very special version of the Highlight Reel lined up for the New York City pay-per-view, if his intended guest had the balls to show up that was. Jericho didn’t actually tell us who he was going to invite…Backstage interviewer Jenni B was shown interviewing Matt Hardy Version 1 backstage and she asked him what Kurt Angle had been doing in X-Rated’s dressing room earlier in the afternoon. Hardy merely replied that Angle had been giving him some tips on Kanyon’s weaknesses in preparation for their match tonight…In a rematch from the Shoot Out pay-per-view, Edge & The Big Gee went to a riotous no-contest when the referee decided that he could no longer control the two battling behemoths. The war waged on until Commissioners Riprock & Corino walked out onto the rampway and said that there was only one way to settle this affair, and that was inside a Steel Cage on next week’s Wednesday Night Warfare!...Lisa Marie Veron was shown backstage with her boyfriend Matthew Mercy (in what was for some reason his first on-screen appearance since SO) and she was discussing how she was the dominant Woman in the IWF. She then started bad mouthing Annalise Roberts saying that she’d only got where she was today by marrying Dean. Mercy replied that she was pretty tough, but quickly added that he agreed that Veron would eat her alive...Chris Kanyon pinned Matt Hardy Version 1 in what was a pretty entertaining bout. Jay Reso tried to interfere towards the end of the match but he was sent packing by Kanyon too!...And so it was time for Zoltar and his men to come out onto a specially constructed “sacrificial altar” to give up Trent Acid to the gods. Zoltar spouted a whole lot of gothic crap and then laid Acid out on the table and pulled out his ceremonial sword. Before he could stab and kill Acid though, AJ Styles, Johnny Kashmere, Funaki and Little Guido ran out and attacked the Zoltar crew. As Zoltar ran off, Kashmere, Funaki and Guido sorted out Yzeabek and Mathuras whilst Styles uncuffed Acid from his chains and saved his best buddy from a fate worse than death. Acid and Styles ended this insane and utterly stupid segment by sharing a reunion hug…In the main event of the evening, Rhino & European Champion Randy Orton defeated Shawn Michaels & Diamond Dallas Page in a very entertaining tag team match when Orton pinned DDP for the second time in two days…