Sunday, July 23, 2006

Action 23/07/06

On the last stop before Xtreme Overload, some of the young talents of the IWF grabbed the opportunity to shine on another hot episode of Action.

In a thrilling four way main event, Cruiserweight Champion Eric Young retained his title, seeing off James Gibson, Bryan Danielson and, special guest Super Crazy.

In other matches, Carina defeated Christy Hemme in a Pillow-fight, UK Champion CM Punk went to a chaotic no-contest with his hated MNM rival Joey Mercury and Phil Jackson defeated Bill De Mott.

CM Punk & Joey Mercury went to a no-contest
Phil Jackson pinned Bill De Mott.
Carina defeated Christy Hemme in a pillow-fight
Eric Young defeated James Gibson, Bryan Danielson & Super Crazy