Friday, July 28, 2006

Super Series Invitational Odds

Famed wrestling bookmakers, have opened a book on who will win the Super Series Invitational. And lo and behold, here are the odds.

5-2 FAV; Triple H
3-1; Matthew Mercy
100-30; Kurt Angle
5-1; Peter Turner
6-1; Shawn Michaels, Barabus Lashley
8-1; Abyss, Chris Kanyon
10-1; Matt Morgan
15-1; CM Punk, The Big Gee
20-1; Shelton Benjamin, Oleg Prudius
22-1; Chris Harris, James Storm
25-1; Samoa Joe, Paul Wardle
28-1; Phil Jackson
30-1; Carlito, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro
33-1; Rob Van Dam, Chris Benoit
35-1; Colt Cabana
38-1; Booker T, Lance Storm
40-1; Finlay, Burchill
50-1; Eric Young, Charles Haas
65-1; William Regal
100-1; Ray Gordy